Branding has become almost a religion in some corporations, and is difficult to dislodge, because many believe that the brand itself is something that changes consumer behavior. Many of the great brands impose themselves on markets; write their own set of rules and many even create their own mythologies.
For the last 50 years brands are results of commercial partnerships between ad agencies and marketers. The next 50 days, great brands will be built as a result of partnerships between marketers and consumers. Brand equity as a result is created through dialogue and engagement. The new world of marketing is where consumers have as much control (if not more) over a brand as those who are actually marketing a brand and paying for the ads. I like that.
While many marketing tools, at their core, are fundamentally based on the concepts of intrusion and interruption, we have come to a point that is not acceptable anymore. We need a new toolbox to build brands. The traditional thinking around branding was to endow a ‘commodity’ with unique characteristics through the creative use of name, slogan, packaging and advertising images. However, in a world where there is a muddle of images and messages, it is almost impossible for a brand to rise above the noise to be noticed, let alone be liked. So the question is how can marketers leverage emerging social media to establish a dialog with their customers and how they can leverage the resulting conversations to learn more about their customers, create a new level of engagement and, ultimately, influence brand preference.
If you need a primer on where things stand today and also need to prepare to embrace and leverage what comes next, this Open Source Advanced Branding Masterclass is for you. No classroom, no books and no fees.
Brand strategy development has always been a fascinating topic (we are not talking about brand identity, naming, or logo design here). During those eight weeks, we will be exchanging views on 'Bonding' more than 'Branding' and ‘Dialogue’ and not “Direct Marketing”.
We all hate rules, but we will work together to reinvent the rules (before we break them again). Mmarchiare per sempre! Brandmerkend voorgoed! Brandmarken ewig!
Thanks everyone for great feedback. I have received over a hundred emails last 24 hours. So I will be responding a little slower. Looks like we are going to have great start. For registration, pls write a small post. Class starts first week of Sept. Thanks.
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